Saturday, February 27, 2010


Welcome To West Oz, Mate

After Western Australia-based photographer Russell Ord began beaming us distorted images from the host of slabs and mutant waves that are popping up all over his zone, we reevaluated our manhood, and figured it was a good idea to get a little insight from all the lunatics involved. Come to find out it's a tight-knit community down there, and for as crazy as their act may be, when you boil it all down, at the heart of it all they're still just surfers ... even if they do have a death wish. "Click on ESPN above for full story"Western Australia-based  over his zone, we reevaluated our manhood, and figured it was a good idea to get a little insight from all the lunatics involved. Come to find out it's a tight-knit community down there, and for as crazy as their act may be, when you boil it all down, at the heart of it all they're still just surfers ... even if they do have a death wish. (Russell Ord)


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